Aderir à Rede Grudis

A adesão à Rede Grudis requer que os interessados se identifiquem com a missão, visão e valores Grudis e que manifestem o interesse em aderir à rede, mediante um pedido de adesão.

Se assim for, e estiver efetivamente interessado(a) em aderir ao grupo, depois de ter lido a missão, visão e valores Grudis, submeta o formulário abaixo ou, em alternativa, contacte um dos nossos Embaixadores Grudis para que este(a) informe a Equipa de Direção do seu interesse.

Esperamos por si na Rede Grudis!

Grudis Network membership request form

Please complete this form to request membership of Grudis Accounting Research Network or to update your personal details (e.g. qualifications, affiliation)
Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

Write your name here
Write your Email here
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(*) More info about "Areas of research"

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(*) More info about "Research method skills"

Grudis Peer Review (GPR) Program

The Grudis Peer Review (GPR) Program is a peer support scheme aimed at improving the quality of research works. The GPR Program entails the review of papers and PhD research projects of members of Grudis Accounting Research Network by fellow members of the Network.

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Grudis publishes content and communicates in both Portuguese and English. Please indicate in which of these languages you are fluent on:

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Which of the following is your preferred email subscription option for the Grudis Network Group (

  1. Individual emails: Each email—Messages are sent individually as they’re posted to the group.
  2. Abridged Summaries: bridged—Summaries of various messages are combined into single email and sent daily (full message accessible via the browser).
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Opportunities for collaboration with the Grudis Accounting Research Network

Opportunities arise periodically for members to become more actively involved in the Grudis Accounting Research Network's activities, collaborating more directly with Grudis Executive Team (e.g. ambassadors, project collaborations).

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Esperamos por si na Rede Grudis!


Accounting Research Network

Grudis Accounting Research Network's mission is to promote the development of Accounting research, fostering the interaction between the Portuguese and international communities.